• The Colorado Department of Transportation will be conducting Avalanche Hazard reduction work tomorrow, Saturday, December 24th. CDOT will be closing the pass at Treasure Falls on the West of the Wolf Creek Pass at 6:30am. Any early birds who come up before the closure will be welcome to the Prospector Grill, where a delicious early morning breakfast will be available starting at 7:00 a.m. The west side will have intermittent closures with the East side open to the ski area.
• Wolf Creek is open 7 days a week for the season!
• All lifts operating from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
• Tickets for tomorrow can be purchased this afternoon from 3:00pm - 5:00pm for tomorrow’s ski day! Window’s open at 8:15 daily!
• Santa will be visiting Wolf Creek spreading Holiday cheer and handing out candy canes throughout the day on tomorrow, Saturday, Dec 24th and 25th!
• The Nordic Track was groomed Sunday, December 18th!
• Please visit www.WolfCreekSki.com for details and the most up-to-date information.